Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sefer Ha-Bloggadah: week 22

All things must come to an end, including the Temple. (Also including Book I of Sefer Ha-Aggadah. If you'll be at the NHC Chesapeake Retreat, you can participate in the siyyum on the first book!)
  • Monday - 1:9:98-100 (The Cleverness of the People of Jerusalem)
  • Tuesday - 1:9:101-108 (The Cleverness of the People of Jerusalem)
  • Wednesday - 1:10:1-2 (The Years before the Destruction; Why the Land Was Destroyed)
  • Thursday - 1:10:3-5 (Why the Land Was Destroyed)
  • Friday - 1:10:6-7 (Why the Land Was Destroyed)
  • Saturday/Sunday - 1:10:8 (Why the Land Was Destroyed)

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